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5x5 Notation

by Luke Terzich 02 Nov 2024

In cubing, "notation" refers to the system of symbols and letters used to describe moves on a cube. It allows cubers to follow along with "algorithms" (a sequence of moves that are required for switching specific pieces on a cube). Here’s an overview of the basic Pyraminx notation:

Basic Notation

Placeholder 1 U
Placeholder 1 R
Placeholder 1 F
Placeholder 1 D
Placeholder 1 L
Placeholder 1 B

Double Layers

Placeholder 1 Uw
Placeholder 1 Rw
Placeholder 1 Fw
Placeholder 1 Dw
Placeholder 1 Lw
Placeholder 1 Bw

3 Layers

The official WCA scrambles and notations don't include triple layer moves. However, some algorithms and website will show 3Rw or 3Bw'. In this case, you need to know what to do.

Placeholder 1 3Uw
Placeholder 1 3Rw
Placeholder 1 3Fw
Placeholder 1 3Dw
Placeholder 1 3Lw
Placeholder 1 3Bw

Slice Moves

The official WCA scrambles and notations don't include slice layer moves. However, some algorithms and website will show S2, E or M'. In this case, you need to know what to do.

Placeholder 1 E
Placeholder 1 M
Placeholder 1 S

Notation Examples

  • D' R B L' F' D2 B2 D2 F' L' U B F R D' R' Rw2 Uw2 L F2 R' B Rw2 F Rw2 L2 B2 Rw2 Uw Rw2 U R2 D Fw' Uw' Rw2 B L2 Uw' U' F : This is a scramble from an official WCA event for a 4x4 round.

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