3x3 Notation
In cubing, "notation" refers to the system of symbols and letters used to describe moves on a cube. It allows cubers to follow along with "algorithms" (a sequence of moves that are required for switching specific pieces on a cube). Here’s an overview of the basic 3x3 notation:
Basic Notation


Double Layer Moves
Whilst the WCA doesnt official use double layer moves, some other algorithms may use them. Double layer moves like 'f simply mean you move the FRONT 2 layers clockwise (the same would work with 'r' or 'd'). You can also get double layer moves for a 180 degree rotation in which case you would see something like 'f2' (meaning you would rotate the front 2 layers 180 degrees). In some other articles or websites you may see these are 'Fw' or 'Dw' (meaning Front Wide or Down Wide).

Face Turns
Each letter represents a face of the cube that should be turned:
- R (Right)
- L (Left)
- U (Up)
- D (Down)
- F (Front)
- B (Back)
A letter without any additional symbols means a 90-degree clockwise turn of that face. A letter with an apostrophe (e.g., R') means a 90-degree counterclockwise turn. A letter followed by the number 2 (e.g., R2) means a 180-degree turn in either direction.
Notation Examples
- R U R' U': This notation represents a sequence of moves for algorithms commonly used in solving.
- R2 D2 F2: Each move here turns the respective face 180 degrees.